
BNPL Solutions for Merchants

Don't keep your customers waiting; get the materials quickly and earn their trust with fast and reliable service.

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Your inventory is always full
Sell in Al Sariba

Your inventory is always full

They do not carry inventory of goods as soon as possible. Fill you with the materials you need to ensure continued sales and always be ready to receive orders from your customers.

Sell in Al Sariba

Do not book your customer and do not let him hesitate due to lack of capital. Hand over the materials he needs and receive your money in cash and we will deal with your customer's installments

Increase your sales

Instead of ordering a limited quantity that fits your budget, buy what you need now and pay later. So look forward to larger orders and an increase in your profits.

Lower risks

You are no longer afraid to delay or not pay. We are dealing with this topic. I mean, your money is guaranteed and risk-free

Our Clients Success Stories

A sample of our clients success stories, after dealing with Buildnow
No items found.

Get the materials quickly and don't keep your customers waiting

Our postpaid services help you implement larger projects and at the same time diversify the nature of your projects, because there is no longer a pressure to collect all the cost of materials in advance.
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